An Entirely Unique Opportunity
You have before you the latest, freshest overview of one of the most dynamic and high-paying Financial Services Business Opportunities available today: that of the … Ca$hcard Master Partner, Metro Partner and Professional Service Team Agent!
You’ve likely been provided access to this information by someone from the Ca$hcard Home Office or an authorized Ca$hcard Representative. At minimum, you’ll find this material to be informative; it’s designed to thoroughly inform you regarding Ca$hcard Professional Services Opportunities. Also - we’re confident this information will better enable you to …
- evaluate what Ca$hcard offers - both now … and in the future
- do a very open comparison of Ca$hcard to other business ownership/management opportunities you’re considering
- help you determine if being a Ca$hcard Partner or Professional Service Team Agent would be your Best Next Financial and/or Career Move
- No getting “stiffed” for fees due: YOU get paid first!
- Per-transaction net profits averaging upwards of 20% of gross income
- Not even one penny of agent money used as advanced funds
- No endless hours of telephone work
- No selling
- Manageable optional local travel; workable from home – or small, low-cost business office
- No need for client & applicant follow-up
What Ca$hcard Is (3-min video)
Ca$hcard Business Fundamentals
Credit Card Rules
So you might ask: just how does Ca$hcard work? What are the operating fundamentals of the business?
To answer that, let’s give first attention to basic bank-card rules: Looking at the bank cards you personally carry and the account statements you regularly receive – you likely notice that many feature both a “Credit Limit” as well as a “Cash Limit”. Those roles could not be more obvious. As a prospective Licensed Ca$hcard Master Partner, Metro Partner or Professional Service Team Agent, you might surmise the reasons have to do with some level of ability to – as a means of financial latitude – pursue and acquire the “material items” and tangible “goods” bought with the credit-card while ratcheting up its balance to the maximum-limit.
In the day-to-day outworkings of all of this – whether or not they know it – Joe & Jane Cardholder can call their credit-card issuing-bank any time they want to request cash, to request a credit-limit increase and transact other business. But as far as cash advances go – they can’t get always get an immediate one … and, sometimes, they can’t get one at all! With Ca$hcard, though – they can – and for the entire amount of all of the available credit on their card.
No Liability to NABCA, NABCA Members, Ca$hcard or Affiliates
As a matter of Industry-Wide Best Practice – banks issuing their own bankcards as well as backing/sponsoring/providing administrative support for branded “name” cards issued by non-banks – are members of and operate within the organizational guidelines and principles of the North American Bank Card Association/NABCA (
Matters of Cash Balances and Credit Balances are, as you know, between the card-issuer and the cardholder. NABCA’s sanctioning Ca$hcard’s position in the situation allows us to transcend such fundamental lower-level relationships – similar in many ways to Federal laws often over-riding or trumping state laws. Because this business is, always has been and always will be so extremely lucrative – there’s not been even one card-sponsor who’s dissolved their relationship with NABCA or ceased doing business.
A parallel here for card-issuing NABCA Members, if you will, is if one of the teams in the National Football League doesn’t like NFL policies: they remain in the League as there is no other NFL. Period.
While owners can sell their franchises or get involved in Canadian or European Leagues
- their franchise remains in-place
- the NFL, itself, continues
Fact-of-the-matter is: NABCA backs these transactions of ours as part of the membership coverage provided to card-issuers and card sponsors. And – as we’ve proven to individual card-issuers – their profit percentages & dollars only increase.